The Centre for Fortean Zoology [CFZ] is the only professional, scientific and full-time organisation in the world dedicated to cryptozoology - the study of unknown animals. Since 1992, the CFZ has carried out an unparalleled programme of research and investigation all over the world.
In November 2007, a five-person team - Richard Freeman, Chris Clarke, Jon Hare, Lisa Dowley and renowned humorous journalist Paul Rose, probably better known as 'Mr Biffo' went to the South American country of Guyana, in search of a number of mystery animals.
They have obtained a wealth of anecdotal evidence for the existence of the three animals that they went there to investigate: the Didi, the Giant anaconda and the Water tiger.
They have secured this evidence in the form of filmed interviews with eye-witnesses in this remote part of rural Guyana. Amongst these are two chilling accounts of young women being abducted by the Didi (pronounced ‘die die’).
Kenard, one of their guides, introduced the team to a local man called Elmo. Elmo is very familiar with the water tiger and the giant otter. He says that the water tiger is a spotted animal with markings similar to those of a jaguar.
They are aquatic, hunt in packs, and – somewhat peculiarly – he claims that the pack is led by an alpha animal that he refers to as ‘the master’, who orchestrates the hunting which is done by the younger members of the pack. Kenard apparently confirmed this statement, which – to the best of our knowledge – has never been published in Europe or the United States before.
None of these stories have been published in Europe or America before.
Perhaps the most important results so far are evidence for two completely hitherto unknown animals: a tiny brown crocodile, and a three-foot high hairy creature that walks upright like a man, and has a bright red face.
They also have secured the first video footage of a living specimen of a recently discovered species of green scorpion.
As part of our commitment towards sharing our findings, the CFZ will be publishing the results on the expedition in book form early in the New Year.
This is your chance to pre-order it at a special low price. Orders received before the end of the year will be post free.....Expect the book early in 2008.
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