Monday, November 24, 2008
Signing Off
I'll be offline for a while from today, as I'll be driving to San Antonio,TX to speak for the city's MUFON group tomorrow night on the subject of my expeditions to Puerto Rico in search of the Chupacabras. Then, I'll be out of town for the Thanksgiving Holiday; so it's likely to be next weekend (or maybe even a week from today) before I'll be back online. If you're in the US, have a good Thanksgiving! And I'll catch up with all the latest news (and I'm sure there will be a lot with being offline for a week) on my return.
Lair of the Beasts: The Almasty
Over at my Lair of the Beasts column at, you can find a new article from me on the CFZ's recent expedition to the Caucasus Mountains in search of the hairy wild-man known as the Almasty.
The good news, as you'll see, is that Jon Downes and Richard Freeman will soon be publishing a full-length report on the quest to find the creature. Based on what they have told me, and the data and witness-testimony they have in-hand, this looks to be an essential read!
The good news, as you'll see, is that Jon Downes and Richard Freeman will soon be publishing a full-length report on the quest to find the creature. Based on what they have told me, and the data and witness-testimony they have in-hand, this looks to be an essential read!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Japan's Bigfoot
Over at Cryptomundo, there's an excellent post on the Japanese equivalent of Bigfoot: the Hibagon. This is a very informative and fascinating post that is definitely worth reading!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bloop & Cthulhu!
Micah Hanks has an excellent new post over at his Gralien Report that I think you'll definitely enjoy reading! Here's Micah's introduction:
Recently on the Gralien Report I discussed briefly my interest in unconventional cryptozoology, that is, the study of strange beasties that fall outside the typical ranks of our Bigfoot, Yetis, and Loch Ness Monsters. Many may consider creatures like Chupacabras to be less conventional cousins to the classic cryptids, seeing as how they, along with Keel’s Mothman, border more on the realm of interdimensional “alien oddities” than biological organisms as we know them. However, setting aside all these well-known creatures for a moment, I’d like to shift my focus to an all time favorite of mine in the annals of Fortean mysteries which, if what existing evidence suggests is accurate, points to a monstrosity somewhere beneath our oceans that might rival J.J. Abrams’ Cloverfield monster. Sadly, whatever this thing may be, it couldn’t be afforded an awesome name like Project Cloverfield, Kraken, Godzilla, or even Cthulhu (which, for reasons we’ll soon explore, this creature may resemble most). Instead, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researchers that first recorded its haunting cries affectionately dubbed it “Bloop”.
And here's the rest of Micah's post.
Recently on the Gralien Report I discussed briefly my interest in unconventional cryptozoology, that is, the study of strange beasties that fall outside the typical ranks of our Bigfoot, Yetis, and Loch Ness Monsters. Many may consider creatures like Chupacabras to be less conventional cousins to the classic cryptids, seeing as how they, along with Keel’s Mothman, border more on the realm of interdimensional “alien oddities” than biological organisms as we know them. However, setting aside all these well-known creatures for a moment, I’d like to shift my focus to an all time favorite of mine in the annals of Fortean mysteries which, if what existing evidence suggests is accurate, points to a monstrosity somewhere beneath our oceans that might rival J.J. Abrams’ Cloverfield monster. Sadly, whatever this thing may be, it couldn’t be afforded an awesome name like Project Cloverfield, Kraken, Godzilla, or even Cthulhu (which, for reasons we’ll soon explore, this creature may resemble most). Instead, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researchers that first recorded its haunting cries affectionately dubbed it “Bloop”.
And here's the rest of Micah's post.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
As always, The Anomalist has some good stuff to highlight:
Cryptid-Ape Inhabited Island Vanishes Cryptomundo. Lake Nippenicket, a body of water located in the midst of the famed Bridgewater Triangle of southeastern Massachusetts, once surrounded an island where it was claimed little red-haired apes were seen. Now the island has vanished from view. With photos and videos featuring Jeff Belanger and Chris Balzano discussing cryptids and other weirdness in the area. At forgetomori, meanwhile, Mori addresses the phenomenon of recollections somehow imprinted in the brain that turn out to not be true, no matter how vehemently defended, in The Brazilian "Lost Thunderbird": False Fortean Memories.
Cryptid-Ape Inhabited Island Vanishes Cryptomundo. Lake Nippenicket, a body of water located in the midst of the famed Bridgewater Triangle of southeastern Massachusetts, once surrounded an island where it was claimed little red-haired apes were seen. Now the island has vanished from view. With photos and videos featuring Jeff Belanger and Chris Balzano discussing cryptids and other weirdness in the area. At forgetomori, meanwhile, Mori addresses the phenomenon of recollections somehow imprinted in the brain that turn out to not be true, no matter how vehemently defended, in The Brazilian "Lost Thunderbird": False Fortean Memories.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wanstead Part-2
As a follow-up to the story I posted a couple of days ago, there has been another sighting of a strange creature seen near England's Wanstead Woods. Oddly, despite the fact that the focus is again upon Bigfoot, the descriptions of the beast reported in both this story and in the initial one, don't really sound anything like Bigfoot - that is, aside from the large feet!
Loch Mysteries in Darklore II

Well, I'm very pleased to say that Darklore Volume II has just been published; and, as with the initial volume, it's packed with fascinating material and contributions from a wide variety of writers, authors and researchers.
Here's Greg to tell you more:
"Darklore is a journal of exceptional observations, hidden history, the paranormal and esoteric science. Bringing together some of the top researchers and writers on topics from outside of mainstream science and history, Darklore will challenge your preconceptions by revealing the strange dimensions veiled by consensus reality.
"Featuring contributions from Stephen E. Braude Ph.D, Nick Redfern, Jon Downes, Blair Blake, Theo Paijmans, Michael Tymn, Greg Taylor and many others, Volume 2 of Darklore offers only the best writing and research from the most respected individuals in their fields.
"In Darklore Volume 2 you'll find discussions of subjects such as the occult underpinnings of modern rock music, the origins of the Illuminati, hallucinogens and witchcraft, DMT and the occult, and much more.
"Find out more about the book - including free sample articles - at the Darklore website:"
As for my own particular contribution, it focuses on that most mysterious of all locales: Loch Ness, Scotland. But the story has a twist to it. Rather than dwell solely upon the world's most famous monster, Nessie, I have highlighted the illuminating fact that the beast is merely one of many mysteries that dominate the loch and its immediate surroundings.
For example, in my chapter, titled What Lies Beneath..., you will find reams of data on (a) the Great-Beast of Boleskine House (Aleister Crowley, in other words, who had a home at Loch Ness and who got up to all sorts of antics while in-residence); (b) sightings of strange creatures in the loch that specifically fall outside of the standard long-necked and humped-variety; (c) shape-shifters and warlocks in the area; (d) UFOs seen soaring over, and Men in Black roaming around, Loch Ness; (e) eye-opening synchronicities; (f) exorcisms; (g) repeated examples of cameras mysteriously jamming when the monster surfaces from the dark waters; (h) encounters at the loch with big-cats; and (i) even reports of creatures that sound very much like the fairy folk of old English folklore and legend.
In other words, and as I point out in the paper, the Loch Ness Monster is merely one of many Fortean puzzles present at that huge body of dark water.
And, of course, this raises an intriguing question: with so much high-strangeness afoot at Loch Ness, does this mean that the monster itself is not what many assume it to be - namely, a flesh-and-blood beast of undetermined origins and type?
As I note, yes, that may very well indeed be the case.
The whole affair of the Loch Ness Monster is not just strange. In many respects, it's just too strange...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Road Trip!
Corinna Downes (wife of CFZ Director Jon) reports on their recent road-trip to Mawnan Old Church, Cornwall, home of the British equivalent of Mothman: namely, the diabolical Owlman. Did they find the beast? Read on...
News From Jon Downes
Here's some good news from CFZ Director and my good pal Jon Downes:
"I am proud to announce the second CFZ Press Book this year by Dr Karl Shuker. This one is a total departure from form for both him and us. It is called Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals on Stamps - A Worldwide Catalogue."
As Karl writes in the blurb on the back cover:
"There has never been a more popular time for dinosaurs and all things dinosaurian. From blockbuster films packed with breathtaking CGI effects, children's television and video cartoons, computer games, CD-ROMs, animatronic museum exhibitions, and theme parks, to countless books, magazines, toys large and small, ornaments, collectabilia, and even fun lines in confectionery and other edibles, prehistoric paraphernalia continues to scale new heights of desirability worldwide.
"But nowhere is this more apparent than within the philatelic world - where the issuing in recent years by an ever-increasing number of countries around the globe of handsome, highly-prized stamp sets depicting a spectacular array of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals is matched only by the corresponding increase of thematic collectors eager to amass an eye catching, comprehensive menagerie of palaeontological monsters that the custodians of Jurassic Park could only dream about!
"Today, well over 500 sets of stamps portraying all manner of dinosaurs and also a multifarious assemblage of other prehistoric animals have been issued, with a substantial proportion of these having appeared within the last decade alone - confirming the escalating interest among collectors in this exciting thematic subject. And who can blame them?
"After all, where else but in the pages of a stamp album could stegosaurs and plesiosaurs, tyrannosaurs and sabre-tooth tigers, brachiosaurs, mammoths, belemnites, ground sloths, giant birds, and ichthyosaurs jostle for attention with velociraptors and trilobites, dimetrodonts and diplodocuses, mosasaurs, woolly rhinoceroses, Archaeopteryx, titanosaurs, iguanodontids, ammonites, giant sea scorpions, and innumerable other spectacular denizens of our planet's distant past?
"Now, for the very first time, here is a philatelic catalogue devoted exclusively to these incredible animals. Compiled by zoologist Dr Karl P.N.Shuker, a lifelong, enthusiastic collector of wildlife stamps and with an especial interest in those that portray fossil species, it provides an exhaustive, definitive listing of stamps and miniature sheets depicting dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals issued by countries throughout the world. It also includes sections dealing with cryptozoological stamps, dinosaur stamp superlatives, and unofficial prehistoric animal stamps.
"This invaluable book will undoubtedly encourage everyone with a passion for dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures to pursue it not only on screen, in books, or in museums but also via the ever-fascinating world of philately."
And Jon also has good news concerning the CFZ's recent expedition to Russia in search of the Almasty:
"I am also happy to be able to announce that the long awaited Russian expedition report is practically completed. Richard and I did all that we had to do for the interior this weekend. I have already half designed the cover, and once Graham has done our final proof on it, I shall upload it, and it should be available from Amazon within the next fortnight. The film, is taking longer than we had hoped, but 15 minutes is now completed, and once Richard and I have finished working on the 2009 Yearbook, and issue 45 of Animals & Men, we will make a concerted effort to finish the film."
And Jon has much more to say in his new post; all of which can be found here.
"I am proud to announce the second CFZ Press Book this year by Dr Karl Shuker. This one is a total departure from form for both him and us. It is called Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals on Stamps - A Worldwide Catalogue."
As Karl writes in the blurb on the back cover:
"There has never been a more popular time for dinosaurs and all things dinosaurian. From blockbuster films packed with breathtaking CGI effects, children's television and video cartoons, computer games, CD-ROMs, animatronic museum exhibitions, and theme parks, to countless books, magazines, toys large and small, ornaments, collectabilia, and even fun lines in confectionery and other edibles, prehistoric paraphernalia continues to scale new heights of desirability worldwide.
"But nowhere is this more apparent than within the philatelic world - where the issuing in recent years by an ever-increasing number of countries around the globe of handsome, highly-prized stamp sets depicting a spectacular array of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals is matched only by the corresponding increase of thematic collectors eager to amass an eye catching, comprehensive menagerie of palaeontological monsters that the custodians of Jurassic Park could only dream about!
"Today, well over 500 sets of stamps portraying all manner of dinosaurs and also a multifarious assemblage of other prehistoric animals have been issued, with a substantial proportion of these having appeared within the last decade alone - confirming the escalating interest among collectors in this exciting thematic subject. And who can blame them?
"After all, where else but in the pages of a stamp album could stegosaurs and plesiosaurs, tyrannosaurs and sabre-tooth tigers, brachiosaurs, mammoths, belemnites, ground sloths, giant birds, and ichthyosaurs jostle for attention with velociraptors and trilobites, dimetrodonts and diplodocuses, mosasaurs, woolly rhinoceroses, Archaeopteryx, titanosaurs, iguanodontids, ammonites, giant sea scorpions, and innumerable other spectacular denizens of our planet's distant past?
"Now, for the very first time, here is a philatelic catalogue devoted exclusively to these incredible animals. Compiled by zoologist Dr Karl P.N.Shuker, a lifelong, enthusiastic collector of wildlife stamps and with an especial interest in those that portray fossil species, it provides an exhaustive, definitive listing of stamps and miniature sheets depicting dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals issued by countries throughout the world. It also includes sections dealing with cryptozoological stamps, dinosaur stamp superlatives, and unofficial prehistoric animal stamps.
"This invaluable book will undoubtedly encourage everyone with a passion for dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures to pursue it not only on screen, in books, or in museums but also via the ever-fascinating world of philately."
And Jon also has good news concerning the CFZ's recent expedition to Russia in search of the Almasty:
"I am also happy to be able to announce that the long awaited Russian expedition report is practically completed. Richard and I did all that we had to do for the interior this weekend. I have already half designed the cover, and once Graham has done our final proof on it, I shall upload it, and it should be available from Amazon within the next fortnight. The film, is taking longer than we had hoped, but 15 minutes is now completed, and once Richard and I have finished working on the 2009 Yearbook, and issue 45 of Animals & Men, we will make a concerted effort to finish the film."
And Jon has much more to say in his new post; all of which can be found here.
Chupa Radio

The Cannock Bigfoot
Last week, I was interviewed by the British Sunday Mercury newspaper about the many and varied stories pertaining to (and sightings of) Bigfoot-like creatures in the woods of the Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, England.
Having grown up there, I can say for certain that the whole area is rich in Bigfoot reports. But, I'm convinced the creature is not all it seems to be - or maybe it's more than it seems to be! As I told the media:
"I think the Cannock Chase Bigfoot has paranormal origins and is linked with the large amount of paranormal activity in the area. If this creature was flesh-and-blood, there would have to be more than one to ensure reproduction. If there was a colony of them on the Chase, we would be seeing massive evidence of them feeding on the local animal population. But the amount of deer kills that have taken place are not anywhere near enough to feed a colony of these creatures."
And that's the problem with not just the Cannock Chase Bigfoot, but the larger issue of Bigfoot in Britain in general. There are numerous reports; but a distinct lack of the type evidence for their existence that typifies (for example) the eating-habits, reproduction, habitat etc. of the Mountain Gorilla.
The British Bigfoot looks like a large ape; but has a far more phantom-like nature to it.
Here's the link to the full article.
Having grown up there, I can say for certain that the whole area is rich in Bigfoot reports. But, I'm convinced the creature is not all it seems to be - or maybe it's more than it seems to be! As I told the media:
"I think the Cannock Chase Bigfoot has paranormal origins and is linked with the large amount of paranormal activity in the area. If this creature was flesh-and-blood, there would have to be more than one to ensure reproduction. If there was a colony of them on the Chase, we would be seeing massive evidence of them feeding on the local animal population. But the amount of deer kills that have taken place are not anywhere near enough to feed a colony of these creatures."
And that's the problem with not just the Cannock Chase Bigfoot, but the larger issue of Bigfoot in Britain in general. There are numerous reports; but a distinct lack of the type evidence for their existence that typifies (for example) the eating-habits, reproduction, habitat etc. of the Mountain Gorilla.
The British Bigfoot looks like a large ape; but has a far more phantom-like nature to it.
Here's the link to the full article.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
On the Road
I'm going to be on the road from now until Monday. I may have sporadic Net connection while away, and if I do I'll be sure to post the latest from the world of crypto. But if not, normal service will be resumed on Monday. See you then!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Beyond Reality: 2009
I'll be speaking on my cryptozoological research and books at a gig being organized next year by the people at TAPS and Beyond Reality.
The gig will be held at The Mount Washington Hotel, New Hampshire from April 24 to April 27.
As the official website of the event states about this particularly atmospheric location:
"Featured in Season 4 of Ghost Hunters, the Mount Washington Hotel is a stunning building set amongst the beautiful backdrop of New Hampshire's Bretton Woods. Built in 1902 and mostly known for its elegant atmosphere and Spanish Renaissance Revival architecture, this historical hotel seems to have something else up its sleeve. From the ghost of a Princess who supposedly writes on walls, to mysterious sounds of babies crying, to a malevolent woman said to haunt room 206, local legends and lore abound here."
For all the details of location, speakers, schedules, dates, accommodation and more, click right here!
The conference has an excellent line-up, including Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango, Kris Williams, Kristyn Gartland, Amy Bruni, Mike Brody, Tiffany Johnson, Adam Blai, Jeff Belanger and Scotty Roberts.
Closer to the date, I'll remind you of all the details. Looks to be a great event!
The gig will be held at The Mount Washington Hotel, New Hampshire from April 24 to April 27.
As the official website of the event states about this particularly atmospheric location:
"Featured in Season 4 of Ghost Hunters, the Mount Washington Hotel is a stunning building set amongst the beautiful backdrop of New Hampshire's Bretton Woods. Built in 1902 and mostly known for its elegant atmosphere and Spanish Renaissance Revival architecture, this historical hotel seems to have something else up its sleeve. From the ghost of a Princess who supposedly writes on walls, to mysterious sounds of babies crying, to a malevolent woman said to haunt room 206, local legends and lore abound here."
For all the details of location, speakers, schedules, dates, accommodation and more, click right here!
The conference has an excellent line-up, including Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango, Kris Williams, Kristyn Gartland, Amy Bruni, Mike Brody, Tiffany Johnson, Adam Blai, Jeff Belanger and Scotty Roberts.
Closer to the date, I'll remind you of all the details. Looks to be a great event!
Paracon III - March 2009
I've just been booked to speak at the Texas-based Jefferson Paracon III Conference, which will be held on Saturday, March 21 of next year. I'll be giving an overview of the world of cryptozoology, with an emphasis on my own investigations into such beasts as the Chupacabras, Bigfoot, Big-Cats, and much more. Here's all the details of the event, the speakers, the location and much more. Hope you can make it along!
Man-Beast Or Bear?
Over at my Man-Beast U.K. blog, you can find the latest story of an alleged Bigfoot sighting in the woods of Britain. Frankly, upon reading the article, I'm not convinced that this is what the witness saw. Indeed, it sounds more like a bear - and it's a fact that mystery bear sightings in Britain are actually more common that many people realize. Anyway, if you want to take a look at the story and judge for yourself, here it is!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Kentucky Wildman

There is probably no other unknown creature that arouses more curiosity than the Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Yes, there is the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra and other great beasts of lore but the Bigfoot remains the most compelling as it pulls us toward ourselves, shadowing the unknown X factor of our very origins.
The case files contain thousands of reported sightings, yet no actual specimen has ever been found. Hundreds of photographs exist, but the creature has not been identified. Still, the clues accumulate year after year. In the heart of Kentucky there is an ancient and sacred ground known as Panther Rock. For many years tales of strange events have been reported but never investigated in full.
Now, for the first time an intrepid group of explorers joins author, Philip Spencer to venture deep into what is known in Kentucky as the "dark and bloody ground" in search of the truth. Join Philip and the Reality Team of Special Investigators as they uncover new Bigfoot witnesses, a variety of mysterious evidence and chilling historical tales. Journey with them into the dark woods of the Frazier Land and experience the amazing paranormal and terrifying events.
The always-reliable Anomalist has a wealth of new crypto stories that you'll definitely want to check out, and here are the links:
Fluffy and Snippy in Colorado Cryptomundo. And Loren Coleman, too. While giving a talk in the state, Coleman reviews some cryptid encounters there and wonders whether Snippy, a 3-year-old Appaloosa, (actual name Lady) might not have been killed by a cryptid, rather than a UFO, between September 7th and 9th, 1967. Also, Outer Edge Creatures and Archival Monsters, New Flying Lemur Discovered, and Animal Planet, Mokele & Mermaids.
The Search for Ogo-Pogo 680 News. Last week's expedition into the deeps of British Columbia's Okanagan Lake in search of the legendary Ogo-Pogo came up empty. Sort of. The "MonsterQuest" television program had all the equipment believed necessary to detect the creature, but came away with something found in an underwater cave, an organism "about six to eight inches long with some kind of flukey tail on it." A juvenile Ogo-Pogo? Elsewhere, at Mothman Flutterings you'll find Legend Tripping with Iowa's Black Angel and Mothman.
Fluffy and Snippy in Colorado Cryptomundo. And Loren Coleman, too. While giving a talk in the state, Coleman reviews some cryptid encounters there and wonders whether Snippy, a 3-year-old Appaloosa, (actual name Lady) might not have been killed by a cryptid, rather than a UFO, between September 7th and 9th, 1967. Also, Outer Edge Creatures and Archival Monsters, New Flying Lemur Discovered, and Animal Planet, Mokele & Mermaids.
The Search for Ogo-Pogo 680 News. Last week's expedition into the deeps of British Columbia's Okanagan Lake in search of the legendary Ogo-Pogo came up empty. Sort of. The "MonsterQuest" television program had all the equipment believed necessary to detect the creature, but came away with something found in an underwater cave, an organism "about six to eight inches long with some kind of flukey tail on it." A juvenile Ogo-Pogo? Elsewhere, at Mothman Flutterings you'll find Legend Tripping with Iowa's Black Angel and Mothman.
Binnall Goes Crypto
Tim Binnall's excellent Binnall of America show has a couple of great new crypto additions that he has just written to tell me about. As you'll see from Tim's information below, the two new episodes see Tim deep in discussion with Adam Davies (author of Extreme Expeditions) and Ken Gerhard (who wrote the book Big Bird).
Both Adam's and Ken's books are great ones, well worth reading, and contain masses of material on the strange creatures that lurk amongst us. Here's Tim to tell you more:
Adam Davies, Extreme Expeditions: Travel Adventures Stalking the World's Mystery Animals
1 Hour, 35 Minutes.
Bonus, post-show mini-interview with Thunderbird researcher Ken Gerhard.
BoA returns to the UK to talk with Adam Davies, author of Extreme Expeditions: Travel Adventures Stalking the World's Mystery Animals. We'll be covering some of the adventures that are detailed in his book, including his travels to the Congo to search for the Mokele Mbembe, hunting the Orang Pendek in Sumatra, investigating the Mongolian Death Worm, and other treks around the world seeking truly unique cryptids.
We'll also delve into the human side of crypto expeditions, talking about what makes a good team, the political roadblocks to international work, how Adam's family feels about his adventures and much more.
Plus, we cover Alien Big Cats, the Seljord Serpent, American Bigfoot, the "kill v. no kill" debate, and, as always, tons and tons more. This is a jam packed edition of BoA which spans the globe and covers a wealth of cryptozoological topics.
Full Preview: We kick things off with the standard bio/background portion of the interview, finding out who Adam Davies is and how he got interested in cryptozoology. This leads to Adam telling us about some of the scarier moments of his cryptozoological expeditions.
Adam then gives a thumbnail look at Extreme Expeditions and explains his goals for writing the memoirs of his expeditions. Adam also recounts the incident, as detailed in the book, where he was arrested in Mongolia on suspicion of being a Chinese spy. We dive into the book with discussion of Adam's early forays into crytpo expeditions and the initial issues he faced, namely finding the right people to join him and the preparation work involved in such adventures.
Next, we discuss one of the early, colorful characters of the book, Jan, and we get Adam's take on some of Jan's eccentricities that are detailed in his book. We then get Adam's perspective on the members of expeditions who are sometimes overly interested in the media exposure as opposed to the actual research. We discuss some of the creatures that Adam has gone searching for on expeditions, starting with the Seljord Serpent.
After that we talk about the Loch Ness Monster and get Adam's take on the popular notion in esoterica that it is some kind of eel. Adam then gives us some perspective on what it's like on the ground at Loch Ness and how if the Monster is highly commercialized or not. We also discuss the perception that the LNM has become less popular over the last few decades and we get Adam's take on if that is apparent in Europe as well, and, if so, why that might be.
Moving on, we talk about the Mokele-Membe, which Adam has searched extensively for in the Congo. Adam details some of his early interest in the Mokele-Membe and how it fueled his desires to go on expedition searching for it. This leads to some talk about the political hassles that are involved in exploring the Congo for mysterious creatures. Adam reflects on how the natives in the countries that he traveled to were very receptive to his visits and attempts to verify their cultural stories of strange creatures in their homelands.
He then talks about some of his interactions and friendships with the natives of the countries he visited. We get Adam's take on if he think the Mokele-Membe could exist and what it might be. We also find out how extensive the research into the Mokele-Membe is, since it seems like one of the more peripheral cryptozoological animals. We discuss environmental issues with regards to cryptozoological animals and the question of whether or not their shrinking habitats would lead to their discovery or extinction.
We follow that up with discussion of another bizarre creature that Adam has gone searching for: the Mongolian Death Worm. He also gives his opinion of what the Death Worm might be and details some of the witnesses and believers in the animal. Lessons learned from his expeditions and advice for would-be crypto explorers is our next topic of discussion. We find out some of the means and methods used by Adam when he is on one of his expeditions. Adam shares the reaction by some of his fellow travelers who were featured in Extreme Adventures.
We also talk about the incident in the book where one of his compatriots had to leave the expedition and we find out how that person felt about having to leave the trip. Our conversation then turns to the subject of growing older and having a family and how that effects Adam's life of traveling the globe in search of mystery animals.
We also find out his wife's perspective on Adam's sometimes dangerous travels and if she has ever told him to stop making these trips. In light of Adam's many travels, we find out what he thinks of coming to America to pursue some of our cryptozoological creatures. We also get his take on the Chupacabra as well as some of the creatures that may be lurking in Australia.
Jumping back to one of our previous discussions, we talk about the Orang Pendek, how people describe it, and what it may be. We learn where Adam stands on the "kill v. no kill" debate as far as mystery beasts go. We also find out how extensive Adam's ability to capture the creatures would be, should he come across one during his expeditions. Looking at some of his post-book work, we find out about Adam's trip to Russia this past Summer in search of the Almasty, which is the Russian Bigfoot.
Looking at expeditions as a whole, we find out how prevalent the concern is over potentially getting sick with an exotic disease or physically injured while on the trip. We then discuss one cryptid which is in Adam's proverbial backyard: the Alien Big Cat and get his take on the ABC phenomenon. Following that, we get Adam's opinion on the "paranormal v. natural" debate over Bigfoot and other cryptids.
We also get his perspective on a post-Bigfoot discovery cryptozoology world and how the field would react and be affected by such a discovery. This naturally leads to this Summer's Bigfoot discovery hoax and we find out how Adam felt about the event as it unfolded. Heading towards the close, we find out about some of the documentary films that Adam has made and been a part of and how folks can see these films.
We then find out what's next for Adam Davies and what future expeditions he may have on the drawing boards. This interview was recorded on 9.27.8
Bonus Audio: Ken Gerhard As an added audio bonus, at the conclusion of this week's episode, we've included Binnall's on-site mini-interview with Thunderbird researcher Ken Gerhard at the Mass Monster Mash.
We find out what drew Ken to attend the Mass Monster Mash and he tells us about his book Big Bird: Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters. We get Ken's take on the "bird v. pteredactyl" debate regarding the Thunderbird phenomenon. We find out if Ken has gotten much photographic evidence for giant birds, in light of the technological boom of the last decade.
Ken enlightens us to some of the origins of the "Big Bird" and Thunderbird name. We also find out about Ken's research into the Texas Chupacabras from the past few years. Wrapping up the mini-interview, we find out where folks can find out more from Ken Gerhard. This interview was recorded on 10.18.08
******************************************* : BoA...The Esoteric Observer : BoA Audio : Binnall on Myspace
Both Adam's and Ken's books are great ones, well worth reading, and contain masses of material on the strange creatures that lurk amongst us. Here's Tim to tell you more:
Adam Davies, Extreme Expeditions: Travel Adventures Stalking the World's Mystery Animals
1 Hour, 35 Minutes.
Bonus, post-show mini-interview with Thunderbird researcher Ken Gerhard.
BoA returns to the UK to talk with Adam Davies, author of Extreme Expeditions: Travel Adventures Stalking the World's Mystery Animals. We'll be covering some of the adventures that are detailed in his book, including his travels to the Congo to search for the Mokele Mbembe, hunting the Orang Pendek in Sumatra, investigating the Mongolian Death Worm, and other treks around the world seeking truly unique cryptids.
We'll also delve into the human side of crypto expeditions, talking about what makes a good team, the political roadblocks to international work, how Adam's family feels about his adventures and much more.
Plus, we cover Alien Big Cats, the Seljord Serpent, American Bigfoot, the "kill v. no kill" debate, and, as always, tons and tons more. This is a jam packed edition of BoA which spans the globe and covers a wealth of cryptozoological topics.
Full Preview: We kick things off with the standard bio/background portion of the interview, finding out who Adam Davies is and how he got interested in cryptozoology. This leads to Adam telling us about some of the scarier moments of his cryptozoological expeditions.
Adam then gives a thumbnail look at Extreme Expeditions and explains his goals for writing the memoirs of his expeditions. Adam also recounts the incident, as detailed in the book, where he was arrested in Mongolia on suspicion of being a Chinese spy. We dive into the book with discussion of Adam's early forays into crytpo expeditions and the initial issues he faced, namely finding the right people to join him and the preparation work involved in such adventures.
Next, we discuss one of the early, colorful characters of the book, Jan, and we get Adam's take on some of Jan's eccentricities that are detailed in his book. We then get Adam's perspective on the members of expeditions who are sometimes overly interested in the media exposure as opposed to the actual research. We discuss some of the creatures that Adam has gone searching for on expeditions, starting with the Seljord Serpent.
After that we talk about the Loch Ness Monster and get Adam's take on the popular notion in esoterica that it is some kind of eel. Adam then gives us some perspective on what it's like on the ground at Loch Ness and how if the Monster is highly commercialized or not. We also discuss the perception that the LNM has become less popular over the last few decades and we get Adam's take on if that is apparent in Europe as well, and, if so, why that might be.
Moving on, we talk about the Mokele-Membe, which Adam has searched extensively for in the Congo. Adam details some of his early interest in the Mokele-Membe and how it fueled his desires to go on expedition searching for it. This leads to some talk about the political hassles that are involved in exploring the Congo for mysterious creatures. Adam reflects on how the natives in the countries that he traveled to were very receptive to his visits and attempts to verify their cultural stories of strange creatures in their homelands.
He then talks about some of his interactions and friendships with the natives of the countries he visited. We get Adam's take on if he think the Mokele-Membe could exist and what it might be. We also find out how extensive the research into the Mokele-Membe is, since it seems like one of the more peripheral cryptozoological animals. We discuss environmental issues with regards to cryptozoological animals and the question of whether or not their shrinking habitats would lead to their discovery or extinction.
We follow that up with discussion of another bizarre creature that Adam has gone searching for: the Mongolian Death Worm. He also gives his opinion of what the Death Worm might be and details some of the witnesses and believers in the animal. Lessons learned from his expeditions and advice for would-be crypto explorers is our next topic of discussion. We find out some of the means and methods used by Adam when he is on one of his expeditions. Adam shares the reaction by some of his fellow travelers who were featured in Extreme Adventures.
We also talk about the incident in the book where one of his compatriots had to leave the expedition and we find out how that person felt about having to leave the trip. Our conversation then turns to the subject of growing older and having a family and how that effects Adam's life of traveling the globe in search of mystery animals.
We also find out his wife's perspective on Adam's sometimes dangerous travels and if she has ever told him to stop making these trips. In light of Adam's many travels, we find out what he thinks of coming to America to pursue some of our cryptozoological creatures. We also get his take on the Chupacabra as well as some of the creatures that may be lurking in Australia.
Jumping back to one of our previous discussions, we talk about the Orang Pendek, how people describe it, and what it may be. We learn where Adam stands on the "kill v. no kill" debate as far as mystery beasts go. We also find out how extensive Adam's ability to capture the creatures would be, should he come across one during his expeditions. Looking at some of his post-book work, we find out about Adam's trip to Russia this past Summer in search of the Almasty, which is the Russian Bigfoot.
Looking at expeditions as a whole, we find out how prevalent the concern is over potentially getting sick with an exotic disease or physically injured while on the trip. We then discuss one cryptid which is in Adam's proverbial backyard: the Alien Big Cat and get his take on the ABC phenomenon. Following that, we get Adam's opinion on the "paranormal v. natural" debate over Bigfoot and other cryptids.
We also get his perspective on a post-Bigfoot discovery cryptozoology world and how the field would react and be affected by such a discovery. This naturally leads to this Summer's Bigfoot discovery hoax and we find out how Adam felt about the event as it unfolded. Heading towards the close, we find out about some of the documentary films that Adam has made and been a part of and how folks can see these films.
We then find out what's next for Adam Davies and what future expeditions he may have on the drawing boards. This interview was recorded on 9.27.8
Bonus Audio: Ken Gerhard As an added audio bonus, at the conclusion of this week's episode, we've included Binnall's on-site mini-interview with Thunderbird researcher Ken Gerhard at the Mass Monster Mash.
We find out what drew Ken to attend the Mass Monster Mash and he tells us about his book Big Bird: Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters. We get Ken's take on the "bird v. pteredactyl" debate regarding the Thunderbird phenomenon. We find out if Ken has gotten much photographic evidence for giant birds, in light of the technological boom of the last decade.
Ken enlightens us to some of the origins of the "Big Bird" and Thunderbird name. We also find out about Ken's research into the Texas Chupacabras from the past few years. Wrapping up the mini-interview, we find out where folks can find out more from Ken Gerhard. This interview was recorded on 10.18.08
******************************************* : BoA...The Esoteric Observer : BoA Audio : Binnall on Myspace
Diary of a Monster-Maker!

Titled Andrew Crosse: Mad Scientist - Diary of a Monster Maker!, it tells the fascinating story of a man, a monster, a famous novel, and much, much more.
I have written the Introduction to the book, and here's Tim to tell you more:
He was known as "The Thunder And Lightning Man. . ."
Was Andrew Crosse (1784-1855) a real life Dr Frankenstein?
Did he create the building blocks of life in his laboratory? Or was he delusional? Or perhaps even a total fraud?
His contemporaries in the scientific community were puzzsled by the very nature of his experiments. And while the eye does not deceive, they were unable to duplicate his findings and reproduce under controlled conditions the striking life forms that were plainly visible and clearly moving around Crosse's laboratory table.
To the farmers living in the area surrounding Crosse's palatial Fyne Court, he quickly became recognized as a heretic dabbling in dark areas that led him to be on the receiving end of a significant number of irate letters from God-fearing folk who summarily and loudly accused him of blasphemy, or even trying to replace their God as the ultimate creator.
The contentions of the nearby country folk were only compounded by Andrew Crosse's ability to seemingly capture bolts of lightning and direct them through a mile long coil of copper wire that was suspended from poles and trees all around his estate. Events reached a boiling point when Crosse started to receive anonymous death threats. There were those who firmly blamed him for a failure in the year's wheat-crop; and there was even a demand that an exorcism of the whole area be undertaken in the surrounding green hills.
Here, in his own words, Andrew Crosse describes in great detail his life and times and the experiments that caused such a gret controversy in his day -- and continue to frighten and bewilder us even now! In a breathtaking update paranormalist Nick Redfern takes us behind the scenes and actually describes Crosse's relationship with the creator of the Frankenstein novel, Mary Shelley.
Where To Start?!
Well, I wasn't wrong: in the six days since I was last here, a wealth of new crypto-material has surfaced. Bear with me, and I'll have it all posted bit by bit over the next few hours.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I'll be offline from today until next Monday, as I leave to speak at Ryan Wood's annual "Crashed UFO Conference" in Las Vegas. Hopefully, there will be much to report on of a crypto-nature when I return!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mothman & Animals
Over at Binnall of America, Regan Lee has an interesting new post on Mothman.
As she states in part:
"I've always been interested in animal behavior within paranormal and UFOlogical events; reactions of the family dog type stories. The Mothman event has its share of animals, usually dogs, who behaved abnormally when in the vicinity of Mothman. One such dog was Bandit. Bandit, a German Shepherd, alerted owner Newell Partridge to something weird going on in their barn. Going outside to investigate, and feeling a strange sense of fear himself, Partridge found Bandit barking furiously at something before running off into the woods. His tracks were found the next day, as if the dog was going around in circles. Bandit was never seen again."
As she states in part:
"I've always been interested in animal behavior within paranormal and UFOlogical events; reactions of the family dog type stories. The Mothman event has its share of animals, usually dogs, who behaved abnormally when in the vicinity of Mothman. One such dog was Bandit. Bandit, a German Shepherd, alerted owner Newell Partridge to something weird going on in their barn. Going outside to investigate, and feeling a strange sense of fear himself, Partridge found Bandit barking furiously at something before running off into the woods. His tracks were found the next day, as if the dog was going around in circles. Bandit was never seen again."
The Return of the Mammoth?
A few weeks ago, over at my Lair of the Beasts column at, I posted a story on alleged sightings of Mammoths, long after the beasts were presumed to have become extinct. And even though those earlier reports are of course highly controversial, as this new story coming out of Britain reveals, the Mammoth may still find a way to come back!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Goat-Man News
As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time pursuing Goat-Man legends, this is a book I am definitely gonna have to get. Looks to be a good one!
The Griffin of Brentford
Neil Arnold tells the strange story of the Griffin of Brentford. This is a weird tale that has more than an air of all-things Tulpa-like about it, and which was the subject of a small booklet (that is essential reading for anyone wanting the full story) written by well-known author Andy Collins. If this is a case you're not familiar with, it's definitely worth checking out.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
3 Men Reviewed
Over at her All This Pudding blog, Naomi has posted a good review of my 2004 book, Three Men Seeking Monsters. Thanks, Naomi!
Paranormal Magazine

Also in the same issue, you'll find a number of other good crypto-connected stories, including the tale of the Terrible Tadpole; Karl Shuker's discoveries concerning Hungry Veg (yep: man-eating plants and more); a good review of Jon Downes' Island of Paradise book (which tells the story of the expedition that me and Jon went on to Puerto Rico in 2004, in search of the Chupacabras), and much more.
Paranormal is an excellent magazine that - with editor Richard Holland - is going from strength to strength. Give them your support: you won't be disappointed!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Zombie Outbreak - Alert!!!!!
They said it could never happen. They said it was only make-believe. But they were wrong. The outbreak of the dreaded Zombie Virus has begun - in Britain. In other words, 28 Days Later has come to life.
Well...kind of...
Well...kind of...
A Saber-Tooth Phantom?
As last night was Halloween, I have made this week's post at Lair of the Beasts a combination of cryptozoology and the afterlife. It's an admittedly odd and controversial story, since it deals with nothing less than what the witness believes was a close encounter with the ghost of a long-dead Saber-Tooth Tiger! Yep, I said it was an odd one...
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