Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wild Britain!

I've noticed over the last few weeks that the British media have been giving much more attention to the issue of "out-of-place" animals in the British Isles.

In part, this has resulted from this recent sighting of a wallaby on the loose in the county of Cornwall.

It often comes as a surprise to people when they learn that Britain has a number of thriving colonies of wallabies (for more info on this, see my Lair of the Beasts article at Mania.com); but they're definitely there.

And, over the last few days I have been sent various news articles from both regional and national newspapers in Britain that have done a good job of highlighting the rich diversity of wild animals in the country that, under normal circumstances, should not be there, including parakeets, scorpions, Chinese water deer, snapping turtles, coatis, and much more.

And, I say: long may all-things exotic make Britain their home!

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