Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monstrous Anomalies

From today's Anomalist:

Angel and His Amazing Technicolor Dream Cat ShukerNature. Dr. Karl Shuker, buoyed by a positive response from readers in his search for the answer to the coelacanth goblet mystery, has decided to share other mysteries with his readers in hopes of responses that will settle the matters. Today's mystery involves a black cat-like creature, having forepaws like a monkey, attaining the size of a jaguar, and having the colorful stripes of the rainbow across its chest. In 1999 Spanish cryptozoologist Angel Morant Fores gathered reports of the creature from the Shuar Indians of Ecuador's Amazonian region. Elsewhere, guest blogger Brent Swancer continues a discussion of the wild canids of the Land of the Rising Sun, with images, in Japanese Wolves - Part III: The Ezo Wolf; and Loren Coleman offers some programming notes for tonight's "MonsterQuest" television show in Killer Jellies & Crocs.

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