Monday, July 27, 2009

Untamed Dimensions

On Saturday night, I took part in a cool 2-hour discussion on Untamed Dimensions radio on the subject of Bigfoot - much of which focused upon the weirder, high-strangeness aspect of the phenomenon.

The show is available to download as an MP3 right here. Hope you enjoy!


AWT said...

Nick, thanks for posting the link. Really enjoyed listening to the broadcast. It seems that you typically bring a refreshing approach of understatement and a levelheaded manner to such shows. Being native to Memphis, I fondly remember listening to "Nightsearch" when it aired live on AM radio (!) on Sunday nights back in 1997 and 1998. After I moved out of state, I lost track of the group's activity, but it was good to find out that they haven't gone away.

Nick Redfern said...

Thanks A! Good to hear you caught the show.