Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Creatures in the News and on the Net

Today, I've been working on the Index for my forthcoming book, There's Something in the Woods. Needless to say, indexing a whole book is a mammoth task, but there's finally light at the end of the tunnel!

Anyway, as I'm tied up with that (and preparing the quotes for the book's photo section), today's post is just a quick round-up of what's afoot in the world of mystery animals.

And here goes:

1. Britain's big-cats are (again!) in the news, and Neil Arnold is hot on the trail.

2. The Yeti resurfaces and creates controversy in the crypto field.

3. Lisa Shiel on Stick-Signs.

4. The new issue of Fate has just been published and includes a story on the "hairy imps" of Skegemog Swamp.


Yards said...

It's no secret that I'm looking forward very much to this book. ;) Good luck on it!

Nick Redfern said...

Thanks Y!

cryptidsrus said...

Good luck too, Nick!!!

Thanks for the links!!!

Nick Redfern said...

Cheers, C!