Certainly the most notable report came from a few locals who had heard a strange, years-old story of a giant, winged fiend perched atop this specific high peak that overlooks the town.
Monster-bird? Flying Humanoid? Spectral Pterodactyl?
I have no idea, and certainly the people telling the story were just as puzzled, too.
But, if you ever want to hit the road in search of winged monsters, Winona may be the place to go!
That's Winona MINNESOTA, gang. If you can't get that right, it leaves the rest in doubt.
Like Motorhead say in Ace of Spades, "It's all the same to me."
I changed it though.
I don't, however, think this has anything to do with the witness testimony, however.
I made a mistake on a state name, big deal.
The rest of it - the on-the-record interviews - was all recorded by the History Channel.
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