Friday, December 5, 2008

Giant Spiders!

I love these giant-spider stories. They kind of remind me of Clark Ashton Smith's Atlach-Nacha. Personally, if giant spiders really are out there, I think it would be great fun to go on a quest to find them!


  1. Yeah, Giant Spider sightings are cool, though for the most part explainable.
    BTW---Look at you, Nick, reading Clark Ashton Smith!!! Nice! Not many read him nowadays. I actually prefer some of his stuff to Lovecraft. I particularly liked his "Averoigne" stories set in a medieval French country. Not many people write the way he wrote anymore. Again, though, Nice!!!

  2. C:
    Yeah, Smith is sadly underrated, or unknown to many today, unfortunately.

  3. Well,they just found one in the Mekong the size of a dinner plate..whew,stuff of nightmares right there!

  4. Yeah, I saw that "dinner plate spider" story - interesting!
