Tuesday, September 23, 2008

An ABC of Monster-Hunting

Well, after a nightmare week and two days in which my wife ended up in the hospital with an inflamed pancreas that left her with a swollen stomach that made her look 9 months pregnant, and that then led to a host of infections that the doctors had to cope with and which put her in quarantine for 4 days, very thankfully in the last 2 days she has made a big recovery, and will be released into the care of Dr. Nick over the next 24 hours or so. Many thanks indeed to everyone who wrote expressing their concerns and wishes for a speedy recovery for Dana; your words were much appreciated by both of us.

And so, you can expect me to start getting back to normal on the blogging now. It would be an immense task to try and dig into all those crypto-related stories that I have not seen over the last 9 days - so I won't! Instead, I'd recommend a good reading of Cryptomundo and The Anomalist for all of that.

But, here's one you might like: my latest posting in my weekly Lair of the Beasts column over at Mania.com: an ABC guide on how to become a monster-hunter!


  1. So sorry to hear about your wife, Nick. Hope she's making a speedy recovery.
    For what is worth, glad to have you back.

  2. Glad to hear she has gotten better and hope she continues to improve. :) Hopefully the monsters weren't frolicking too much while you were away--it's no fun to come out without a monster hunter to run from!

  3. I didn't know Dana was sick. I am happy that she is already on the road to recovery!

  4. hey Nick, I am glad your wife is ok, though if she's in the care of Dr. Nick, she must be in good hands ; ).
