Thursday, May 8, 2008

Platypus Mysteries...

It's not a monster, but it's seriously weird-looking: it's the platypus. A truly strange creature and an appropriately strange story!


  1. That is truly a weirdd creature, Nick...

    Did you also know it's claws can also secrete a poison-type substance that can possibly kill you?

    It almost did kill an Australian man some years ago.
    Saw it on a documentary on the world's most poisonous creatures on Animal Planet.

  2. I don;t know if the original comment I made went through, but I was saying...

    To repeat...

    Did you know, Nick, that the platypus claws can secrete a poison-type substance that could kill you?

    It almost killed an Australian man some years ago. Saw it on Animal Planet.
    Good link, Nick!!!

  3. No, I didn't know that - definitely a unique animal!

  4. Gotta love the platypus! It's one of my favorite "go-to" examples of a known creature that on appearance, is just too strange to be real.
    For an example of a freaky member of the plant kingdom, do a google search on "amorphophallus titanum"!
