Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lake Ray Roberts, DAPS and Bigfoot

A couple of weeks ago I traveled to Lake Ray Roberts, Texas with fellow researcher Lance Oliver of the Texas-based group Denton Area Paranormal Society. Lance had told me previously that there had been Bigfoot activity in the area some years before, and so we decided to spend a day checking out the place (as well as the Old Alton Bridge at Denton - the haunt of a classic "Goatman" type character).

While we were out at Lake Ray Roberts, we found some intriguing things in the woods: classic "Bigfoot Teepee"-type structures; rock-piles; and more.

Take a look at the DAPS site; they're a good, enthusiastic bunch of people who do a lot of field-work.

Here's the link to the photos. Scroll down to the section titled "Lake Ray Roberts" and you'll see them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting this out there, Nick!

    Perhaps others in the North Texas area may read this and come forward with their own experiences.

    Additionally, there was a UFO sighting reported on, above the same area by the lake, which took place on January 11th.

    High Strangeness!
