Monday, November 19, 2007

The "Guyana 5" Push On...

There's news from the Guyana 5 - and things are taking a toll on our adventurers, as Jon reveals below:

After nearly 48 hours of silence, Richard telephoned us at about 5.45 GMT, and – in order to conserve their dwindling resources of credit – we telephoned them back. They are having a particularly rough time with the heat; and Richard has once again suffered from heatstroke today. Lisa fell off a mountain and broke her thumb yesterday, and the other expedition members are also finding the terrain particularly gruelling.“The heat is dreadful, I’ve never known heat like this”, says Richard, who went on to say that they had seriously under-estimated the heat, the dryness, and the lack of shade. “It’s relentlessly dry and hot with hardly any shade”, he said, and his voice sounded fatigued and drawn.

And, as Jon also relates, the team is continuing to uncover intriguing data:

They have received reports of a very small human-shaped animal; only two and a half feet tall, and with a bright red face....The local people who told them of this believe that the red colouration had been painted on. They also heard of similar creatures seen nearby at a place called Trebang’s Rock. Trebang are allegedly humanoid creatures, short in stature, which are – according to Richard – “supposed to touch children and transmit deadly diseases to them”. He went on to say that when the children die, the Trebang is supposed to take their bones and make them into flutes.

Click here for the full story and the latest on the Guyana 5...


  1. Brave individuals, but it's pretty apparent that going from a cool climate to a tropical one (i presume humid, although they say 'dry'?) has been too much of a shock to their somewhat fragile systems. Too bad they could not have 'trained' a bit by living in a greenhouse for a week , although it might have discouraged them from going in the first place.

  2. James

    Yes, coming - as all the team do - from England, I'm pretty sure they were shocked to the core by the wall of heat that hit them as they got off the plane.

    The sun is about as rare as a UFO in the UK, and so it musy be doubly difficult having to trek through the trees too, etc.
